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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 4, 2010

Reality Killed the Video Star by Robbie Williams

BRITAIN'S TOP POP star Robbie Williams has a new album titled 'Reality Killed The Video Star". The title is inspired by Video Killed The Radio Star, an old song by The Buggles. While the first one referred to how music videos took over radio as main source of new music releases, Robbie’s is about how reality TV has now become the launch pad for new stars.

The lead cut in the album, "Morning Sun", a dramatic ballad that's Robbie’s tribute to Michael Jackson. The title Reality Killed The Video Star is his way of commenting on MJ’s life since Jackson was the biggest video star with his hit "Thriller". The artistry that goes into Robbie's new is quite stunning as they can be very different from one another in terms of theme and execution, but he seems to do them all with ease. The most amazing cut is "Deceptacon", reminiscent of one of his biggest hits, "Angel".

"Starstruck" is listener friendly with its catchy melody and old-fashioned pop-soul vibe. Other great cuts are "Superbind" and "You Know Me". We're sure this album will be as big a hit as his past ones like "I've Been Expecting You" and "Sing When You're Winning".