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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Sep 27, 2010

Cong. Ronald Singson On Lovi Poe

RAYMOND GUTIERREZ went to Hongkong to interview Cong. Ronald Singson who can’t come home while his case of drug trafficking is still being tried there. How is he? “Given the circumstances, I’m okay here in Hongkong but I miss home. I’m on bail bond. HK$2 million na makukuha rin uli namin.”

When did it hit him that he’s in serious trouble? “I realized the gravity noong ma-detain na ako. Dumating ang pagsisisi and realizations. Pag nagpasok ka ng drug dito sa Hongkong sa airport, technically, trafficking na ako agad yon, so pinaglalaban naming ibaba sa possession ang kaso. It’s a trying experience but an eye-opener also. Two meals a day lang kami sa detention center. 8 AM and 4 PM lang so parang naging weight reduction program for me. Hindi ganun kadali. I feel guilty about it. I could’ve learned the lessons I learned here some other way, hindi kailangang ipahiya kong familia ko, but nangyari nang nangyari. May rason kung bakit nangyari ito.”

Is it true she had a fight with Lovi Poe before he flew to Hongkong? “Yes, we had a disagreement, but she’s not the reason why I did this, why this thing happened. I have so much respect for her. Very touching for me ang suporta niya sa’kin. Nandun siya noong hearing despite her busy schedule. Hindi ko kayang bayaran yung utang na loob na yun. She’s been very supportive considering how busy she is. Parang hulog ng langit.”

Kayo na ba? “Tanong mo sa kanya kasi ako hanggang ngayon nagtatanong pa rin.”

What’s the biggest lesson you learned from this? “Kung meron kayong problema, wag na kayong lalayo. Ang pamilya nyo, nandiyan. Kung lumapit lang ako sa mommy ko o sa daddy ko, siguro hindi nangyari ito.” Lovi Poe frequently visits Ronald Singson in Hongkong.