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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 16, 2010


WE ASK KIM Chiu how stories linking her and Gerald Anderson to other stars like Bea Alonzo and Jason Abalos might affect their film at the tills, “Till My Heartaches End”. “I hope people just forget all the chismis and bad intrigues and judge the film by its own merits,” says Kim. “Kasi we gave it our all, our 100 percent, and I’m just very proud that we got to do this movie.”

The film is written and directed by Jose Javier Reyes. “I got a call from Star Cinema last Sept. 15 asking me if I’m busy and if I could do this Kim-Gerald film. I said yes as I believe hinog na sila for mature roles. But may playdate na raw, October 27. So I said, okay, send me the script, e wala pa raw script, so in two days, I was able to write a script that is inspired by ‘500 Days of Summer’ about young love, pero malayong-malayo na roon. Gerald is anak sa labas, maraming hang-ups. Kim is a nursing graduate about to take the board, no boyfriend since birth. The story is told from the point of view of their friends: Martin del Rosario and Enrique Gil, Cacai Bautista, Manny Chua and Eda Nolan. It’s the journey of two people in love and where it’s going. I presented it to Star Cinema and they said go. O heto, matatapos na kami ng shoot and I must say maraming gugulatin sina Kim at Gerald dito as they portray very mature roles. Both are very competent in it. Very different from the soap opera acting style on TV that they’re used to. As for the Kimerald fans who threaten to harm Gerald and Kim, I’m just wondering bakit ganun sila. Why hurt them?”