MANNY PACQUIAO was the special guest in the opening segment of “Showbiz Central”. He earlier gave his autographed boxing glove to Raissa Laurel, the victim of the fraternity bombing at La Salle during the bar exams. He says he admires Raissa’s courage and even gave her his contact number so she can call him directly anytime she needs his help. Monday, he returned to congress where he was given a special welcome by other congressmen, then he goes back to Saranggani to have a hospital built for his constituents there. Later on, Manny’s entire family joined him on cam: wife Jinkee, their four kids, plus Mommy Dionisia who plugged her album with Imelda Papin.
Recently, I posted an article about Pacquiao. The Filipino wonder gained a lot of respect when he didn't pursue a knockout win over Margarito to save the latter from further damage. The values which Pacquiao showed during the fight, are relayed to the Filipino as a whole. Coming from a westerner, this will surely make you feel proud to be a Filipino. Please don't miss the article: Humility, Empathy and Grace of Manny Pacquiao.