- Katarina blackmails Edward with the photos of him instructing his men to dump Janet’s body
- Charles tells Benny to investigate Margaret’s whereabouts
- Return of Margaret
- Katarina and Edward finalize their deal, 50-50 share in the Wong enterprise
- Andrew confesses to Anastacia his relationship with Grace, Anastacia is displeased
- Harry tells Katarina that Grace saw his gun, Katarina says you can get rid of her if she interferes any further
- Anastacia confronts Grace about her relationship with Andrew and tells Grace to end things with her son
- Elizabeth frames Grace, Grace innocently delivers a bottle of wine to Andrew, Elizabeth warns Anastacia about it and Anastacia in turn rushes to scold Grace
- Margaret searches for documents in Edward’s office, Katarina catches her
- Harry asks Anastacia for a date specially set up for them at Windsor’s pool
- Edward sends a gift to Windsor- Janet’s body wrapped in a carpet. Helena faints at the sight of the body
- Charles- Harry confrontation at the poolside. Harry draws out a gun
- Helena instructs Anastacia to have people investigate Edward’s hand in Janet’s murder
- Margaret makes a mysterious phone call. She tells that Katarina is having suspicions
- Anastacia and Elizabeth bring Grace to assist them with their bags while shopping
- Elizabeth maltreats Grace after the latter accidentally breaks a gift from Anastacia. Grace ends up with scratches on her face
- Charles talks to Helena about George
- Edward gives some advice to Nato about Grace, give her some fancy jewelry
- Andrew sees Grace’s injury
- Reveal that Margaret is working for Helena
- Katarina blackmails Edward with the photos of him instructing his men to dump Janet’s body
- Charles tells Benny to investigate Margaret’s whereabouts
- Return of Margaret
- Katarina and Edward finalize their deal, 50-50 share in the Wong enterprise
- Andrew confesses to Anastacia his relationship with Grace, Anastacia is displeased
- Harry tells Katarina that Grace saw his gun, Katarina says you can get rid of her if she interferes any further
- Anastacia confronts Grace about her relationship with Andrew and tells Grace to end things with her son
- Elizabeth frames Grace, Grace innocently delivers a bottle of wine to Andrew, Elizabeth warns Anastacia about it and Anastacia in turn rushes to scold Grace
- Margaret searches for documents in Edward’s office, Katarina catches her
- Harry asks Anastacia for a date specially set up for them at Windsor’s pool
- Edward sends a gift to Windsor- Janet’s body wrapped in a carpet. Helena faints at the sight of the body
- Charles- Harry confrontation at the poolside. Harry draws out a gun
- Helena instructs Anastacia to have people investigate Edward’s hand in Janet’s murder
- Margaret makes a mysterious phone call. She tells that Katarina is having suspicions
- Anastacia and Elizabeth bring Grace to assist them with their bags while shopping
- Elizabeth maltreats Grace after the latter accidentally breaks a gift from Anastacia. Grace ends up with scratches on her face
- Charles talks to Helena about George
- Edward gives some advice to Nato about Grace, give her some fancy jewelry
- Andrew sees Grace’s injury
- Reveal that Margaret is working for Helena