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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Apr 13, 2011

Ruffa Gutierrez on Ex-husband's cancelled wedding

RUFFA GUTIERREZ says that the planned wedding of ex-hubby Yilmaz Bektas to 2006 Miss Universe Zuleika Mendoza didn’t push through. “Ang alam ko, wala na sila, last year pa,” she says. “May bago ng boyfriend si Zuleika na member ng Dallas basketball team (Jose Barrera). I just don’t know bakit di natuloy ang wedding nila. I don’t ask naman Yilmaz about his personal life kasi I also don’t like it when he asks me about my own personal life.”

Dr. Belo’s BodyTite gave her a shapely body with the right curves, what other services of Belo Clinic does she avail of? “I take good care of my skin so I have regular facials with them.”

She looks so young and sexy now that men must be knocking on her door. “I’m happily single.” No lovelife? “I’m celibate for now. I want to take my time. They have to line up and wait. If they can’t do that, there are other women who might be available. Wag na muna ako at sobrang busy ako ngayon. I want to make myself beautiful not only for men but also for myself. I owe it to my fans who watch me ‘Paparazzi’ and as Ms. O in ‘Mga Nagbabagang Bulaklak’.”