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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 7, 2011

Bianca King enjoys work as a director

BIANCA KING, now co-managed by GMA Artist Center and Bebong Munoz, is determined to work behind the camera later. “Active pa naman ako as an actress,” she says. “I now play Tito Eddie Gutierrez’ assistant who helps train superheroes in the Ligaya ng Kalayaan sa ‘Captain Barbell’. But acting is not forever so I want to explore the possibility also of directing or working as a cinematographer.”

For starters, she has begun megging music videos. She did MTV’s for Hale and Frencheska Farr. Now, she just directed electropop talent Somedaydream in his music video for the song “Hey Daydreamer”. "It's set in a very wholesome house party and has a kilig narrative between a fan, played by Jasmine Curtis-Smith, and the popstar. In the story, she reveals Somedaydream's true identity --- that of a young Filipino musician who everyone's surprised with since people who have heard 'Hey Daydreamer' think that it is by a foreign band. The song's electronic beats remind me of the 90s when I was still a pre-teen so I incorporated elements paying homage to rollerblades, glowsticks, family computer, plastic balloon, among others. Somedaydream is an indie artist of the Mecca Music label established by Champ Lui-Pio. He’s a great talent, being a composer and instrumentalist with boyish, mass appeal.”