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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 16, 2011

Get involve in the debate on the controversial RH Bill

IN LINE WITH its stand to present the most pressing issues of the day, GMA News TV is mounting “Reproductive Health (RH) Bill: The Grand Debate”, with representatives from the government, religious groups and the women’s sector debating on the controversial House Bill Number 4244 or the “Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2011”, otherwise known as the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill. This will see lawmakers versus lawmakers, women versus women and church people versus church people as they tackle the pros and cons of the RH Bill. The special aims to educate the general public and satisfy their need for information about this issue. The public can also participate in an online debate on Twitter by sharing their opinions using the hash tags #proRH or #antiRH and by visiting www.gmanews.tv, “RH Bill: The Grand Debate” is hosted by respected broadcast journalist Mel Tiangco and assisted by GMA News TV personalities, Pia Arcangel and RJ Ledesma, the two being former debaters in their college days. This will air soon on GMA News TV Channel 11.