Jun 5, 2011

A back to school special in I-witness

STUDENTS RETURN to school today and Sandra Aguinaldo offers a timely docu about five friends who just graduated as honor students from a public high school in a remote farming village in Nueva Ecija. Children of farmers and fishermen, they all know a college degree will give them a better future but this is also test on how far their families would go to get them to school. Camille is valedictorian of her class, consistently excelling in academics since grade school. Her father is the barrio photographer, taking pictures of weddings and graduations. Their family can barely make ends meet. To realize her dream of being the first in the family to get to college, her dad is thinks of selling the lot where their home stands. Camille’s friend Arlene is the third honorable mention. Unlike Camille, she had already enrolled in a state college. But can she stay long enough to finish it? Her father’s only source of income is fishing or catching frogs. Time is running out for these teeners. In a country where a college education is a privilege to only a few, the college dream of many students like Camille and Arlene will never become a reality. Don’t miss Sandra Aguinaldo as she joins the journey of these poor graduates who aspire for a better future in tonight’s “I-Witness” after “Saksi”.