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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 16, 2012

Grace Lee Is Just Striking While The Iron Is Hot

WE CAN’T blame Grace Lee if she’s making the most out of her being linked with Pres. Noynoy. After all, she doesn’t know as to until when her newfound popularity as the apple of the president’s eye would last, so she might as well take advantage of all the media attention and make hay while the sun shines.

Even her manager, Arnold Vegafria, is obviously aware that this has boosted her stock so much as it’s said two networks are now offering her attractive talent fees, much higher than what she’s currently getting.

Not only that, even advertising agencies are reportedly knocking on her door to get her to do more endorsements for them. We just hope she gets to finish doing all of them before the president (and the public’s) interest in her has waned.