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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 22, 2012

The Impeachment Trial Has Become So Boring To Watch On Tv

WHEN THE IMPEACHMENT trial started a month ago, some folks were alarmed that its TV coverage might affect the ratings of afternoon shows as a lot of people were interested in it. But now, public interest has waned as it proved to be so boring. Its dismal rating is less than .1%. We ourselves are just wishing it’d be soon over as they’re wasting precious public money and all the grand standings of the prosecution, defense and even the senators are such a waste of time. At this point, no effort of the defense can change the perception of people like us that Renato Corona really lied on what he declared on his SALN and income tax reports compared to the wealth he had actually accumulated in various bank deposits, some of which he closed down in a hurry right on the day he was impeached to hide the truth.

We didn’t vote for Pres. Noynoy Aquino but we support his fight against corruption because our justice system really has to be revamped. Admit it or not, it’s commonly acknowledged that hoodlums in robes can be bought by the highest bidder. It’s about time we regain the dignity of the judiciary that Corona himself trampled on when he agreed to be a rushed midnight appointee of the much reviled Gloria Arroyo so he can be her protector.

People are getting impatient as the whole nation is going through this ordeal that’s wasting people’s money. It’s not surprising if it’d intensify in the days to come. They say it might take up to June to finish the trial. By then, people might no longer be interested about the verdict. They just wouldn’t care anymore as, at the rate it’s going, looks like Corona will eventually be set free as most politicians would just rather preserve the status quo since corruption is now a way of life among them. As chief justice, Corona can then continue to be serving as the lackey of his boss Gloria who he would work hard for to be also set free later. How sad for our country.