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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Nov 25, 2012

Aljur Abrenica Laments Beings Target Of Negative Publicity

ALJUR ABRENICA is wondering why some writers seem to harbor a grudge against him. Someone wrote “Coffee Prince” was cut short because he doesn’t know how to act. Another one wrote it’s not rating and Director Ricky Davao is mad at him because he can’t act properly. Still another wrote that the staff and crew are angry with him since they have no work now after the show was terminated because of him at a time that Christmas is fast approaching.

GMA exec Redgie Magno says all this is simply not true. From the start, everyone involved in “Coffee Prince” knew that it will run only for 7 weeks, as dictated by the Korean company who owns the rights to the series. The show’s rating is also very satisfactory. Ricky Davao himself says he’s satisfied with the acting of Aljur and it isn’t true he doesn’t know how to act. We’ve seen the show ourselves and Aljur is fine, so we really don’t know why some folks are making him the target of their unwarranted brickbats.

Honestly, though, we think GMA should stop remaking Koreanovelas and just make original ones. Someone told us they don’t watch Korean remakes: “What for? Alam na namin ang istorya?”

And why invest so much money in something that will run only for a very limited time, like 7 weeks? We’re sure they haven’t even recovered their ROI (return of investment) after such a short period of telecast.