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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Dec 6, 2012

Alfred Vargas A Rare Star-Director Who Knows How To Thank Those Who Praise His Movie 'Supremo'

GOT A TEXT message from Alfred Vargas thanking us for our positive review of his movie, “Supremo”: “We just want to thank you for your wonderful and generous review of ‘Supremo’. We deeply appreciate it po.”

His message is actually quite long but we edited it. The point is that it’s very rare for artistas and filmmakers to go out of their way to thank writers like us for the positive things we write about them, so it’s clear Alfred is an exception.

Some viewers who saw the saw movie say there are just some parts that confuse them. This is because it presumes that you’re already familiar with the true story of Bonifacio so they no longer go into the details of explaining key points in his biography, like the big conflict that erupted at the Tejeros Convention. Viewers don’t even know what’s the Magdalo and Magdiwang rivalry all about. The opening scene also confused some people, showing Bonifacio cuddling a dying lady. She’s actually he’s first wife who died of leprosy. Our suggestion is to google Bonifacio first and read an account of him first before watching the film.