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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 16, 2013

Pauleen Luna on the report that she cried because Oyo boy snubbed her

PAULEEN LUNA was reportedly given the cold shoulder by the son of her boyfriend, Vic Sotto, when Oyo Sotto promoted “Vampire ang Daddy Ko” in “Eat Bulaga”. Pauleen allegedly made the first move to greet Oyo but he acted like he didn’t see anyone. A writer said Pauleen got so embarrassed as many people so what Oyo did to her, so she cried a lot over what happened.

But Pauleen herself later on declared that this simply is not true and it’s so unfair for Oyo. As a matter of fact, they even greeted each other “Hi” and made the usual “beso” upon seeing one another. Some showbiz talk shows tried to interview Pauleen about this but she rejected the idea. “Wala naman talagang nangyari, bakit papalakihin pa?” she told a friend.

It’s obvious some quarters are really trying to make her and Vic’s kids fight. It’s good they don’t make “patol”. As of now, Pauleen is just happy with her role in the afternoon soap “Unforgettable”. She plays the daughter of Phillip Salvador and Carmi Martin, and sister of Benjamin Alves. She and her mom both have problems with their sanity and she may or may not be the culprit in the murder of Mark Herras, a crime in which Kylie Padilla has become the primary suspect.