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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 23, 2013

Marvin Agustin Accused Of Rigging The Results Of 'Karinderya Wars' On TV5

MARVIN AGUSTIN wants to call for a presscon to explain what happened in the reality show he’s producing for TV5, “Karinderya Wars”. The whole show has already been taped and all the contestants are not supposed to reveal the outcome to anyone. They all signed a confidentiality clause about this and the show will have its grand finale next month yet.

But the winner, Vivian Pinlac, already announced in her Facebook account that she’s the one who won. This unleashed a slew of comments on the net that the show must be “lutong macau” or rigged. So now, Marvin wants to air his side about the controversy.

But TV5 told him that before he calls a presscon, he should first come out with a concrete plan on what measures he’ll take to do damage control for the show. Will he punish Vivian, rescind his winning since she clearly violated the confidentiality clause that she signed, then conduct another contest to find a new winner? This will definitely be very expensive as they’ll have to call the other contestants again and tape new episodes at a time when the show is already supposed to be in the can.

The ball is in Marvin’s court and let’s all see what he’ll do next.