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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jan 14, 2014

Solenn Heussaff Features Cager Doug Kramer & Wife Cheska Garcia In 'Fashbook'

SOLENN HEUSSAFF is back from her holidays in Argentine with BF Nico and tonight, she’ll visit celebrity couple Doug and Cheska Kramer in “Fashbook”. The Kramers will show their lovely home as well as the contents of their closets, with pretty daughters Kendra and Scarlet also taking the Fashbook crew to their room and closet. Solenn, who’s also busy promoting her new movie “Mumbai Love”, then shares her exercise routine to show viewers how they can get firm abs, buttocks and legs which can be done right at home!

Fashbook also helps a young graduating student who wants to have a more stylish look this New Year. A Bulacan resident, Joy is looking forward to working in Manila, stylist and author of the newest book on Philippine street style, “150 Style Essentials for Every Girl”, Tricia Gosingtian helps Joy come up with the right look for aspiring professionals like her. Fashbook is on tonight, Wednesday, 10pm, after SONA on GMA News TV.