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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 28, 2014

Alice Dixson Not Sure If She'd Be Insulted Or Amused By Cougar Tag

ALICE DIXSON says she’s amused that at her age, 40 plus, some people still continue to look at her as a sex symbol, particularly after her being an FHM cover girl. Some folks even consider her a cougar since she attracts men who are much younger than her.

“I think it’s because I got paired with younger actors like Derek Ramsay and Mark Neumann,” she says. “I really don’t know how to react when they say I’m a cougar. Will I be flattered or feel insulted? But hey, we’re in showbiz and I’m currently single kaya siguro all the more mas bumabagay ang cougar tag sa akin. So tinatawanan ko na lang, lalo na when they say na may asim pa raw ako.”

Now, she’s paired with someone closer to her age, Ogie Alcasid, in “Confessions of a Torpe”, that will replace “Madam Chairman” on TV5’s 8 PM slot starting this Monday. “It’s more of a comedy. We offer an alternative kasi puro soapy dramas ang kasabay namin on that slot. So for viewers who prefer lighter entertainment, they will definitely find ‘Confessions of a Torpe’ worth watching, as directed by Soxy Topacio. Kasama rin namin dito sina Wendell Ramos, Gelli de Belen, Bayani Agbayani, Bibeth Orteza and many more.”