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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 28, 2014

Ruffa Gutierrez Reveals That It's Her Brother Elvis Who's Getting Married Soon, Not Richard

RUFFA GUTIERREZ had a grand time being interviewed by the international press in Singapore for the premiere of “It Takes Gutz to be a Gutierrez” this Sunday, 9 PM, on E! Channel. “Our reality show will be aired in 17 countries so they flew in the press people from these countries to Singapore to interview us,” she says. “But the presscon is so unlike rito sa’tin na nandiyan na lahat ng writers sa Q&A. Sila, we’re interviewed group by group, so uulitin mo lahat ng nasabi mo na sa iba. But I’m so surprised because they all came well prepared, including reporters from Australia and the New York Times. Yun pala, they googled us na so familiar na sila with what we’ve done so far. Up to date silang lahat. They’re very professional. Kaya lang, the press from Muslim countries are so conservative. Bawal akong magsuot ng may cleavage. Sa trailer daw, the scenes where I wear low necklines, they blurred it na, kasi bawal daw ang ganung provocative outfits.”

Her brother Richard won’t reveal if he and Sarah Lahbati would tie the knot soon. What can she say about this? “Ang talagang mag-aasawa na, si Elvis, to his long time girlfriend Alexa. They’re expecting a baby soon. Yes, mauunahan pa niya si Richard. And we’re all excited to welcome the new addition in our family.”

She said at the presscon of “Maybe This Time” that she’s been loveless for three years, how come there are fotos of her in social media with a handsome French guy when she went to Paris Disneyland with her daughters? “He’s not my boyfriend. We’re getting to know each other pa lang. We met four months ago. Taga-Paris siya but he’s doing some business here in Manila. Hindi siya showbiz kaya naloloka siyang kasama siya sa publicity. I really want to fall in love again. I don’t want to grow old naman like an old maid, no?”