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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jul 24, 2014

John Estrada Says Wifey Priscilla Meirelles Is More Than Just A 'Trophy Wife'

JOHN ESTRADA is ever the professional as he’s always the first one among the stars of “Trophy Wife” to report in their presscons. “Yun ang isang itinuro ng manager ko na di ko malilimutan, the late Douglas Quijano,” he says. “Bilin niya lagi, be punctual. It’s better na kayo ang maghintay sa ibang tao kaysa kayo ang nagpapahintay sa kanila.”

In “Trophy Wife”, Cristine Reyes plays his trophy wife. What he doesn’t now is that Cristine was also in a relationship before with his younger brother, Derek Ramsay, and Cristine now seduces Derek anew. In real life, he’s married to Priscilla Meirelles, a beauty queen who can definitely regarded as a trophy wife for all the world to see.

“She can really be a trophy wife, maganda na mabait pa, but she’s more than that. She’s now my manager. She wants to know the ins and outs sa showbiz, but ang last call, galing pa rin sa akin.”

He’s glad that he and first wife Janice de Belen are now in better terms with each other. Even Priscilla and Janice are now friendly to one another.