Sep 7, 2014

Gwen Zamora Airs Her Dissatisfaction About Her Career As She Guests In 'Mars'

GWEN ZAMORA opens up her heart in tonight edition of the hit women’s show, “Mars”, and talks about her frustrations in her showbiz career since she’s always playing contravida roles. She’s wondering when GMA will elevate her to lead roles. Another guest tonight is Charee Pineda who has been without a show for quite some time.

They will join hosts Camille Prats and Suzi Cabrera in discussing their topic in Mars Sharing Group: Scanners or Divers. A Scanner is someone who can’t keep still and jumps from one career to another. In contrast, a diver is someone who thrives for years in a single job or vocation.

Gwen then shows her cooking skills and prepares a healthy dish of tofu with broccoli in French Dijoun mustard. Then they join in the exercise portion to show how you can have strong iron legs.

Tomorrow night, the guests in “Mars” are Rocco Nacino and Lauren Young who star in the new show “Hiram na Alaala”. They will reveal in the Mars Sharing Group who among their co-stars are what they consider Territorial Friends who move in their own intimate circle. Lauren then shows how to cook fried rice with Korean kimchi. Then Rocco shows how he physically prepares for his role as tough soldier captured by rebels in “Hiram na Alaala”. He call his exercise routine as Soldier Workout.

On Wednesday, the special guest is Dani Barretto, eldest daughter of Marjorie and sister of Julia. She’s a fashion blogger who, along with Frencheska Farr, will share their stories about their own families. Don’t miss all these treats in “Mars”, weeknights at 7 PM on GMA News TV Channel 11.