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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 27, 2014

Gone Girl Movie Review: Overrated Movie

TO SAY THAT “Gone Girl” is a dark movie will be an understatement. There are extreme moments of violence, including a scene where a character’s throat is graphically slit while having sex and resulting into pools of blood. We don’t know why anyone would rave about it when the lead character (Rosamund Pike) is a psychopath who gets away with murder and we don’t get to sympathize with her at all the way we do with Kevin Spacey or Robin Wright in “House of Cards” or Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore in “Bates Motel”. Pike’s character has no redeeming values whatsoever. And she’s not consistent. After her neighbors slammed her face on the wall and took all her money, we thought she’d find a way of getting even with them since she is portrayed as someone so scheming and devious. But she lets go of them easily and, instead, kills a gullible guy who genuinely loves her (Neil Patrick Harris) in the most cold-blooded way.

It seems those who rave over it enjoy being manipulated not only by its twisted characters but by the filmmaker himself, David Fincher, who uses a lot of sleight of hand in telling his story. Maybe, in American culture, they find this palatable, but for those who lead more normal lives, this is certainly sordid and perverted. Frankly, we believe the movie is overrated

We also can’t understand why they say it’s about marriage. It’s not. Its story about one horrible marriage does not represent all the other successful unions that made marriage an institution that has withstood the test of time through centuries and generations.

They say marriage is dangerous because you don’t really know who you are marrying. But there are now many agencies that can help prospective couples to get to know each other and the problems they might run into once they take the plunge. The problem is most couples just get married without any adequate preparation. They think you just live happily ever after automatically. They prepare more for the wedding than the actual marriage. And they often fail to invite the Lord to be part of their union. The wedding videographer is even more important than the Lord. Is it any wonder that their marriages quickly crumble?