THE FIRST “Dumb and Dumber” was made in 1994. Now exactly, 20 years later, comes the sequel, still from the Farrelly Brothers, Peter and Bobby (best known for the big hit comedy “There’s Something About Mary”.) There was a “Dumb and Dumberer” movie in 2003, a prequel, but the Farelly Brothers were not at all involved in it.
In the new sequel, they do get to recapture the atmosphere and spirit of their original work and stars Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels dish out once more their usual hilarious performances as two lovable dimwits on the loose. (This obviously inspired the local flick “Moron 5”, the sequel of which was also shown just recently).
“Dumb and Dumber To” shows what happened to the two characters after two decades. Jeff as Harry is more or less the same but he needs a kidney transplant. Jim as Lloyd wakes up from a coma after 20 years and still can’t get over losing his beloved Mary.
Harry discovers he has a daughter named Penny Pinchelaw (Rachel Melvin), with Kathleen Turner as Freida Felcher as the mom. And, just like in the first movie, he and Lloyd go on road trip, in a funeral hearse, to locate her, so he can ask her to donate to him a kidney. Along the way, they figure into all sorts of misadventures meant to make us laugh.
Jim Carrey is at his best here, with his perfect comic timing and mugging. He’s shown eating a very long hot dog without using his hands and it’s obvious he’s having a great time making the movie his own playground, just like when he did his “Ace Ventura” movies. Jeff Daniels tries his best not to be left behind and they both give full commitment to their respective roles. Rachel Melvin as the daughter gives splendid support, funnily showing the "dumb and dumber" goofball persona in a female character.
The Farrelly Brothers and their co-writers succeed in coming up with outrageous jokes and twists that work a lot of time to tickle the audience, with the usual gross out sexual and toilet jokes like punching each other’s balls and smelling other people’s farts. It will help a lot if you are familiar with the first movie and its anything goes kind of humor, like feeding someone with fingers that just came from someone’s butt, using one’s mouth to hold a bag of urine, a cat who gets drugged and swings from a chandelier and a girl who gets her period for the first time and is given a cork. If you find such things funny, then by all means, don’t miss this comedy.
In the new sequel, they do get to recapture the atmosphere and spirit of their original work and stars Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels dish out once more their usual hilarious performances as two lovable dimwits on the loose. (This obviously inspired the local flick “Moron 5”, the sequel of which was also shown just recently).
“Dumb and Dumber To” shows what happened to the two characters after two decades. Jeff as Harry is more or less the same but he needs a kidney transplant. Jim as Lloyd wakes up from a coma after 20 years and still can’t get over losing his beloved Mary.
Jim Carrey is at his best here, with his perfect comic timing and mugging. He’s shown eating a very long hot dog without using his hands and it’s obvious he’s having a great time making the movie his own playground, just like when he did his “Ace Ventura” movies. Jeff Daniels tries his best not to be left behind and they both give full commitment to their respective roles. Rachel Melvin as the daughter gives splendid support, funnily showing the "dumb and dumber" goofball persona in a female character.