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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 30, 2015

Hit Afternooon Soap 'Yagit' Holds Thanksgiving Party At Enchanted Kingdom With Street Kids Of He Cares Foundation

THE STARS OF the successful afternoon show, "Yagit", led by Yasmien Kurdi, LJ Reyes and kiddie stars Chlaui Malayao, Zymic Jaranilla, Jimwell Ventinilla, Judie de la Cruz and Steph Yamut, treated the children of He Cares Foundation to a whole day of fun, games, surprises and exciting free rides last Sunday at Enchanted Kingdom.

Dubbed as "Summer Fun at Enchanted Kingdom: Gift ng Yagit sa Street Kids", the whole day event is meant to be the show's gesture of thanksgiving since "Yagit" has always enjoyed high ratings since it started airing in October last year. Now, after six months, they continue to dominate their timeslot not only in terms of ratings but also in gaining continuous positive feedback in social media from contented viewers who praise the show's engrossing narrative, the stars' first rate acting and the story's aim to instill good values and spread love through positivity and friendship.

Also on hand to help entertain their guests with great musical numbers are the other members of the show's cast: Maricris Garcia, Renz Fernandez, Bettina Carlos, Kevin Santos, Kiko Estrada, Ina Feleo and James Blanco. The regular followers of the show will be pleased that due to their insistent request, it is further extended until May.