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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 20, 2015

Bea Binene Doesn't Mind Ex-BF Jake Vargas Being Paired With Julie Anne San Jose In 'Buena Familia'

BEA BINENE is currently playing the role of the blind Jam in “Yagit”. She says she doesn’t mind if ex-boyfriend Jake Vargas has found a new ka-love team in Julie Anne San Jose in the forthcoming soap, “Buena Familia”. “Okay lang yun,” she says. “Ako naman, may bago ring kapareha sa ‘Yagit’, si Kiko Estrada. So move on na lang tayo.”

But this week in “Yagit”, her leading man, Kiko as Pipo, will tragically be shot the villainous Rafa Siguion Reyna as Baldo. Actually, it’s Bea who’s Rafa’s real target but Kiko shields his own body to protect Bea and gets the bullet intended for her. Before he dies, he tells the doctor who’s treating him that he wants to donate his eyes to Bea so she can regain her eyesight. After his funeral, the operation on Bea’s eyes were performed and all the yagits are happy that she can see again.

James Blanco spent for Bea’s eye surgery. Without his knowing, Bettina Carlos as Izel has deceived him when she asked him to sign some papers. He didn’t know those papers are transferring all his property and wealth to the name of Bettina. But Yasmien Kurdi as Dolores learns about it and tells it to LJ Reyes as Flora who then informs Wowie de Guzman as Chito about it. Wowie thinks of a plan on how he can blackmail Bettina with this information.