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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 29, 2015

Raymond Gutierrez Talks About Having A Tough Mom Like Annabelle Rama, Will Put Up His Own PR Company

AT THE PRESSCON announcing that the family reality show “It Takes Gutz to be a Gutierrez” will soon be aired on The Filipino Channel (TFC) on June 6 and at the Lifestyle Channel on June 26, Raymond Gutierrez revealed he’s no longer connected officially to any network and is now a free lancer. He is busy managing some bars he has opened and will soon also put up his own PR company. He admits feeling uncomfortable when he sees his mom, Annabelle Rama, and elder sister, Ruffa Gutierrez, fighting.“It can really make you uneasy,” he says. “It can be very tough when you have a mother who’s like my mom, as she says everything she wants to say in public, no holds barred.”

Would he rather choose to hide such private family conflicts? “At this point, I think we’re beyond that now. We agreed to do this reality show and we can never hide things anymore. But I just wish our experiences as a family will make people try to be more understanding and learn more about relationships, especially mother-daughter disagreements. It shows that we’re not a perfect family. And we’re not even trying to be perfect since we’re just human like all of us are. But at least, through our ups and downs, we’re still together as a family.”

Any reaction to what haters and bashers who make “sawsaw” say about them in social media? “I’m not affected by the haters and bashers. They can say all they want, but our family has been in this industry too long to be affected. The important thing is we know where we stand. And we meet people in public, especially abroad, we’re surprised because they tell us they really watch our show at natutuwa naman sila.”

What are the benefits that the reality show has done for their family? “Well, we can say it has its own rewards. There was a time, all of us were so busy at mahirap kaming pagsama-samahin, but the show somehow made us closer to each other and I think it has made us a stronger family unit. It has helped us understand each other better, appreciate one another on a deeper level. You know, in the roller coaster world of local showbiz where there are many trials and intrigues, we are just happy that, as a family, we can really rely on each other and have each other to hold on to.”