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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jul 18, 2015

Derek Ramsay Hoping His Current Non-Showbiz Girlfriend Will Be The Real Deal

DEREK RAMSAY says he has proven himself to be a lucky charm not only for the contestants in "Happy Truck ng Bayan" who won big cash prizes because of his prescience, but also to friends. "Hindi ako nagka-casino but tuwing mapupunta ko sa casino, nananalo kami ng mga kasama ko ng jackpot prize because of me," he says.

He is quite lucky in game, but it seems he's unlucky in love. "Yes, before, my past relationships had unhappy endings, but I hope the one I have now will have a happy one. I'm blessed in everything now, happy love life na lang ang kulang sa'kin. But hopefully, if things would go right, we can settle down by next year. I don't want to jinx this one."

His current love is a model, Joanne Villablanca, a single mom with a 7-year old daughter. Derek himself has a son, who's 13. Having souvenirs from their past relationships does not really matter for Derek. "Some women would hide having kids but not her. She's very sincere and I can feel we really love each other. She's also in very good terms with my own family, is very patient with me and understands the nature of my work as an actor and TV host."

Derek is now paired with Jasmine Curtis Smith in the episode "Unwanted Girlfriend" of "Wattpad Presents". How would he compare her to her sister Anne with whom she worked in two films?

"They both don't sing. No offense meant to Anne but I find Jasmine prettier, more attractive. And she's doing a very good job in showing she can hold her own, she has her own talents and she's doing everything to hone it. After doing TV and movies, she's now also trying theatre, something I wish I could also do. I don't think Anne has the guts to do theater where you have to memorize long, long lines. So, I can see that Jasmine is not just riding on the name of her sister. She's really cultivating her own name, in her own way. I think she'll eventually achieve what her sister has achieved, or even surpass it. And I'm sure Anne will not begrudge her for that but even be very proud of her."

In "Unwanted Girlfriend", Jasmine plays a model who's so in love with Derek she agrees to be her pretend girlfriend after he got so depressed for being dumped by Carla Humphries. He's happy that they were not required to do any kissing scene. "That will be very awkward because she grew up being my little sister and I'm her Kuya. Para namang incest kung bibigyan kami ng ganung scenes, so hanggang hugs lang kami."
"Unwanted Girlfriend" will run for two weeks and start airing tomorrow at 9 PM on TV5. Entertainment head Wilma Galvante says they'll soon produce their own "Wattpad Presents" movie and we're not going to be surprised it Derek would topbill it, along with Jasmine. "Well, sana nga, magkatotoo, I'd like that," he says.

How's his son, Austin? "Unfortunately, I haven't seen him. He lives with his mom in Dubai and he's in school now. I haven't heard much from him. I text him all the time, but no response, so I'm just being patient waiting for his text soon."

Right now, Derek has just finished shooting an action movie for Star Cinema about a killer crocodile. He'll soon start another movie with Coleen Garcia, "Ex With Benefits". He's also slated to do a special guest role in the Metro Filmfest entry, "Walang Forever", starring Jennylyn Mercado, which is produced by Atty. Joji Alonso who produced last year's "English Only, Please" that gave him a best actor award.