Nov 22, 2015

Review: Hunger Games: Kill The Mockingjay, Part 2 - The Worst Movie In The Series

DYSTOPIAN movies and novels are science-fiction works that paint a bleak and nightmare world in the future after some apocalypse. The best examples are “The Divergent” trilogy, “The Maze Runner” trilogy and the current “The Hunger Games” trilogy which started with “Hunger Games”, followed by “Catching Fire” and “Kill the Mockingjay”. The last book was split into two movies to earn more money at the box office. Other recent examples of dystopian movies are “Elysium”, “Transcendence”, “Interstellar”, “The Giver”, “Oblivion”, “Resident Evil” franchise, “Ender’s Game” and “Mad Max” Fury Road”.

How sad for Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence that the final installment in her hit franchise, “Kill the Mockingjay, Part 2”, is hands down the worst of the series. This movie is not just suffering from hunger but from dire malnutrition and outright starvation of talent from the people who made it.

As the heroine Katniss Everdeen, she began as a young and valiant heroine who becomes a symbol of rebellion to save their nation called Panem from a despotic leader, Pres. Coriolanus Snow (Donald Sutherland). Now, she looks more adult, more angry, but more aimless, like she has taken some tranquilizers that didn’t work. Most of the scenes in the movie are so dark. You sometimes can’t figure out what exactly is happening on screen. Just like in “Maze Runner 2”, they resort to putting in some zombies to chase the characters and inject some excitement. How cheap.

Half hour into the movie, it’s all “daldalan” portion. They’re obviously stretching the material needlessly and it goes on and on so boringly for nearly two and a half hours. It’s as if the scriptwriters themselves got confused in telling their story. They cook up some twist towards the end concerning Julianne Moore as Pres. Coin that, honestly, leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

This is released at the time that Paris was attacked by terrorists and the world is in a seemingly dark place because of global terrorism. We don’t know how it will all end but we pray that real life will be more bright and full of hope than this movie whose makers do not even know how to give it a proper ending. Long after the evil guys have been dead, the movie continues to just go on and on and on. The final scene where Katniss has finally hanged up her bow and arrow and becomes a mother of two seems to be a tacked on kind of ending cooked up at the last minute.

Katniss was then known as the girl on fire. In the end, all the fire has obviously died down and there’s not even an ember left in her. You can’t even help but think she chose the wrong guy. Why would anyone choose the midget Josh Hutcherson over Liam Hemsworth?