LET’S SAY A prayer for the healing of showbiz denizens who are currently sick. First is Angelu de Leon who’s stricken with Bells Palsy, an infection that paralyzes some facial muscles and makes them immovable. It’s good her faith in God is so strong and Angelu is confident she’ll recover quickly.
Then there’s comedian Joey Paras, who stars in the forthcoming movie, “Working Beks”, as a rehabilitated gay who wants to go straight. He’s afflicted with a heart condition that makes him tire easily and makes his leg swollen, so he plans to retire for a while so he can fully recuperate. Despite his ailment, he continues to help promote “Working Beks” that is showing on November 23. He plays a gay man who tries his best to reform and even intends to marry a woman, played by Cai Cortez.
Let’s also pray for the healing of Cornelia Lee aka Angge, Richard Pinlac and Tinna Maria Bonifacio who all had a stroke and are still indisposed.

Let’s also pray for the healing of Cornelia Lee aka Angge, Richard Pinlac and Tinna Maria Bonifacio who all had a stroke and are still indisposed.