He and his group of Tigers then meet a badly wounded Chinese soldier, the lone survivor of a unit sent to blow up a strategic bridge before a Japanese train carrying a major shipment of weapons for the frontlines of the invaders passes by in four days. It then becomes the dangerous mission of Jackie and his Tigers to be resistance fighters and accomplish this at all costs by outsmarting the Japanese captain of the military police, Yamaguchi (Ikeuchi Hiroyuki), who chews the scenery.

His fans have come to expect Jackie’s movies as action-comedies that are meant to be crowd pleasers and “Railroad Tigers” is no exception. With the help of Hongkong Writer-Director Ding Sheng (who helmed him in the now classic “Police Story”), Jackie just doesn’t disappoint. As usual, the action scenes are well choreographed showing Jackie and his wild bunch of Tigers displaying their martial arts skills in full force, with liberal touches of cartoonish comedy, as they fight their enemies in and out of the running train, particularly during the grand finale.
The big ensemble cast truly delivers. And the opening credits sequence alone is already worth the price of admission. In a tour of old trains in a museum, a little child is shown wandering away to see a vintage World War II train. The boiler hatch opens and animated cinders glow to show who’s manning the train. Why, Jackie Chan, of course!
favorite film which is one of his biggest influences, “The General”, a silent 1926 comedy classic by Buster Keaton. Oh yes, don’t leave the theatre right away as they show some hilarious bloopers at the end credits with the actors often forgetting their lines.