Try watching them and tell us who you find amusing or entertaining. Barbie is definitely worth watching as she can be funny with her natural witticisms as a female faggot. But the others are just plain boring and a waste of time. They give you the feeling that they are positively sure that they’re the center of the universe.
But there’s a danger to all this, just like what happened when celebrities started to have their own Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts where they post anything and everything that’s happening in their lives, including kudas, hanash, rants that are better kept private. Their private lives are now out in the open for everyone’s consumption and they’ve given access to the common person to bash the stars they used to look up to.

Social media has really become a game changer especially for those who enjoy having accessibility and an interactive relationship with their fans. Advertisers have adopted to this new trend and now take the necessary approaches for better brand recall. But stars have since lost their mystique and mystery as celebrities and they’ve become as common as the rest of us. We won’t wonder if the people would just prefer to watch them on their youtube channels and no longer in their TV shows and movies.