HEART EVANGELISTA is currently in Italy to attend the well known Milan Fashion Week. While watching the fashion show of famous designer Salvatore Ferragamo, she was seen seated in between Korea’s popular K-pop star Krystal Jung and Hongkong-based Canadian star Eliza Sam. She posted their photo together on Instagram with the caption: “My seatmates at the #FerragamoSS19 show @heungheuneliza @voussmevoyes.”
Of course, this earned a lot of positive comments from her loyal fans who say she’s now definitely of international calibre. She also posted photos of her always dressed to the nines, including her favorite jewelry by the luxury brand, Gas Bijoux. As she captions in her photo: “One of my favorite jewelry brands that I’ve been wearing for 2 years now is collaborating with my favorite shopper. It’s a match made in heaven! Honored to be the first to wear this. @gasbijoux, @euroluxeperience.”
Heart will be in Milan for four days to shoot for the “Living Ferragamo” campaign, a project made possible by Rustan’s Group and Stores Specialist Inc or SSI who are celebrating their 30 years of partnership with Ferragamo. After Milan, Heart goes to Florence then she will proceed to Paris for the Spring/Summer Fashion Week. She will also meet with the makers L’oreal Paris.
Meantjime, her paintings are part of the exhibit of Asia Pacific Art Painters United Association, Inc. even if she’s not an official member yet. She hopes to be back home on the first week of October.
#ShowbizPortal #HeartEvangelista
Of course, this earned a lot of positive comments from her loyal fans who say she’s now definitely of international calibre. She also posted photos of her always dressed to the nines, including her favorite jewelry by the luxury brand, Gas Bijoux. As she captions in her photo: “One of my favorite jewelry brands that I’ve been wearing for 2 years now is collaborating with my favorite shopper. It’s a match made in heaven! Honored to be the first to wear this. @gasbijoux, @euroluxeperience.”
Heart will be in Milan for four days to shoot for the “Living Ferragamo” campaign, a project made possible by Rustan’s Group and Stores Specialist Inc or SSI who are celebrating their 30 years of partnership with Ferragamo. After Milan, Heart goes to Florence then she will proceed to Paris for the Spring/Summer Fashion Week. She will also meet with the makers L’oreal Paris.
Meantjime, her paintings are part of the exhibit of Asia Pacific Art Painters United Association, Inc. even if she’s not an official member yet. She hopes to be back home on the first week of October.
#ShowbizPortal #HeartEvangelista