Oct 25, 2022



It will be a “wintry Halloween” at Snow World Manila, as the Snow Witch, the Ice Zombies, and the legendary Japanese snow ghost Yukki Onna, are with us.

Japanese folk stories tells the story of a woman, who in trying to save the lives of some travelers, was she herself buried in the snow after an avalanche. 

   It has always been said that Yukki Onna would appear to travelers to warn them when there is a snow storm, so they can seek shelter where it is safe.

Yukki Onna is not supposed to frighten us, but to warn travelers when there is danger.

    But Yukki Onna is not just in the snow mountains of Japan. 

    She is also at Snow World Manila to remind guests in the ice slide to take all necessary precautions. 


    The Yukki Onna is also at the ice landing area, to make sure guests are safe.

The legendary snow ghost will be joined by the Ice Zombies, and Snow Witches who are always ready to cast a “friendly spell”.

Halloween will be a lot of fun at the Snow World in Star City, where you will also experience real snow falling on your head, and see our ice village. 

    We still have our real ice slide that everyone enjoys, perhaps not as long as before but definitely safer.

    You can still enjoy a hot cup of coffee at the Snow World Coffee shop while inside our negative fifteen degrees Celsius ice attraction. 

     All of these you will enjoy at a very affordable price. Visit us in the place where winter never ends.